Tuesday, 12 December 2006

It began with Helen

Before the story of The Odyssey starts we have had the little matter of the battle for Troy. Using his wiles, Odysseus finally wins the battle through the artifice of The Wooden Horse. He is avenging the honour of Menalaus, whose beautiful wife was stolen by Paris (with a little help from Aphrodite).
It is suggested that this story captures something of the mystery of the descent of the Soul into manifestation. In this case Helen might be said to represent the beauty of the natural realm that is fatally attractive to the Soul.
Once trapped in the mud of Troy the challenge for the Greeks is to return again from whence they came.
Odyssues maps out the path of return.

Monday, 11 December 2006

Story starts in Ithaca

The opening of The Odyssey introduces us to Telemachus. His name means "far fighter". On his own he is too weak to deal with the suitors who are seeking Penelope's (his mother) hand in marriage.
He is helped in his part in the saga by Athena, goddess of wisdom. As the story unfolds we will see his function in the myth of the return of the Soul is a crucial one. Indeed it is not until his disgust at the sad state of things in Ithaca causes him to act, that Odysseus can really begin his journey home.

Sunday, 10 December 2006

Calypso's island

Hermes asks Calypso to release Odysseus.

Odysseus leaves on a raft.

Poseidon sends a storm which Odysseus only just survives.

Friday, 8 December 2006

Odysseus meets Nausicaa

Nausicaa, awaiting betrothal, pursaudes her father that she should wash her clothes in the sea; accompanied by her maidens, she goes and discovers Odysseus (naked).
She brings him to her home.

Thursday, 7 December 2006

Entertainment at the Phaeacian's Palace

Demodocos sings of Odysseus and Achilles
Odysseus wins at the games

(Picture of Homer - also a blind story teller)

Odysseus pursuaded to tell his tale

Wednesday, 6 December 2006

The Lotus Eaters

After sacking the city of the Cicones Odysseus ends up with the Locophagi in the West

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Escaping the Cyclops

Polyphemus - "many tales" "brash"
Son of Poseidon and the nymph Thoosa ("quick" "nimble")
The Cyclops lived on the isle of Sicily.

Trapped in a cave he gets Polyphebus drunk and in his stupor, Odysseus is able to blind him with a sharpened stick.

Odysseus says his name is "Nobody"

He escapes (as do most of his sailors) clasping the underside of Polyphebus's sheep. When asked who attacked him Polyphebus answers "Nobody"!